Nutritious food options at PSB Sheridan

Nutritious food options at PSB Sheridan


The need to eat nutritious food has increased at an exponential rate. According to research conducted by the halo group, 65 percent of people born after 1975 regularly consult either a nutritionist, dietician (58%) or a personal trainer (54%) about their food choices. This indicates that a certain group of students, who are attending Sheridan college are health-conscious who would prefer to eat healthy nutritious compared to their counterparts who prefer to eat both nutritious and unhealthy food. To encourage students to eat healthily. Sheridan college now offers healthy nutritious food for an affordable price to cater to their needs. Some of the nutritious food that you can find at the Sheridan College Psb cafeteria are:

Veg Sandwiches:

Nutritious veg sandwiches

Chicken Sandwiches:

Nutritious Chicken sandwiches

Beef Sandwiches:

Nutritious Beef sandwiches at Sheridan college

Plant-based sandwiches :

Nutritious plant based sandwiches at Sheridan college

Veg sandwiches prices vary between $4-7, which includes options for getting gluten-free bread, the option to add different types of cheese, options to add custom ingredients to your sandwiches to make it personalized and Nutritious.

Benefits of Nutritious food

Some of us would be questioning what wrong with the food that we are already consuming? How might that be linked to both mental and physical performance?

  1. Eating nutritious food can prolong your life by keeping you cancer-free. Eating nutritious food can lead to natural body weight management, where weighing between a certain range can reduce the risk of cancer.
  2. It can assist in losing weight, keeping the blood pressure at a safe level. Additionally, it can help reduce the consumption of Cholesterol for someone with diabetes.
  3. It helps to keep your bones and teeth strong.
  4. It helps you stay positive, which is a result of eating nutritiously.
  5. Another benefit that can be sought from eating healthy food would be getting a good night’s sleep.

About Us

We, PSB sandwiches are a new take out restaurant. Now located at both HMC and Davis campus of Sheridan College. Here to cater to the need of students, who are looking to eat healthy nutritious food, but at an affordable price. We now offer various discounts for students on a day to day basis. Alongside the option to order ahead of time through the boost app. To help students save time because we like to keep students in the best stress-free environment while they are learning, we offer students the flexibility to get their orders delivered to them on campus. So if this is something that you or your friends would like, we would like to invite you Come down and try us out at the PSB Cafetaria

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Tips for Finding the Best Place to Meet New People

3 Tips for Finding the Best Place to Meet New People

Are you constantly searching for new personal connections? Perhaps you find yourself at home on the couch with a glass of wine on a Saturday night wondering why you’re not out on the town? It may not be you, it might be the places you’re going! So many young people struggle to meet people outside of the internet or dating apps in today’s  social market. Most people just aren’t looking in the right places. In this post we’ll provide you with three key tips to live by when searching for new connections on a night out. These tips will not only help people socialize but will also help ensure it is a fun experience rather than awkward and uncomfortable. Meeting new people can be a scary and intimidating process, especially with our reliance on technology for communication. With these three tips you will be able to meet new people and have fun doing it!


When looking for a social place to meet people in Mississauga, look for a place that people will gather and bond over one common product or service. As original as it sounds, any lively food establishment is perfect for socializing. Food is a common item that can spark conversation, similarities and bonding. The topic of food can also lead to the idea of further gatherings in the same sort of environment. If you’re looking to meet people in hopes of a romantic connection, food can be a great buffer to a date as well as an aphrodisiac depending on the food chosen. Let the sparks fly!


As it is well known, alcohol can make socializing way easier than without. When looking for a social place to meet people in Mississauga , choose places that offer beverages on top of food mentioned in the first tip. Alcohol can serve as liquid courage when meeting others. Although this is true, there is a very thin line between just enough and too much. No need to get sloppy or your plan to make friends, or even ask that girl or guy out will go right out the window! Play it safe and keep it to a two or three drink limit. Know your limit, stay within it, as they say.