sheridan college boost app


Boost app has its unique selling points the major USPS are convenience, value, diversity, reliability, record & loyalty, and affordability. The main focus is on reliability and the keyword is “Sheridan college boost app”. students always want reliable food which means they always want food up to their expectations and not just something which looks reliable on pictures but the real thing is different from that. Students can easily download boost app from google play store and apple app store and can select their college which will show them the options available on their campus. Below is a screenshot of what boost app looks like.

what is boost app


Image retrieved from –

Target audience and how it benefits them!

The main target audience for boost app is undoubtedly the Sheridan students because they are the major consumers of on-campus food courts at Sheridan although the school/college professors and other staff will be the secondary target audience the main focus is on the students.

Imagine a target persona or the average customer!

his name is Rahul, he is 21 years old. He came from India as an international student to study a business diploma at the Sheridan college HMC campus. Rahul has his classes from Monday to Friday and he works part-time on weekend to support his monthly expenses in Canada. he likes to live a healthy and active lifestyle but due to his tight schedule, he not cook food daily to bring to college. Rahul discovers that the food court at his college has healthy stuff like salads as well but the line for the food courts is always big and he doesn’t have that much time to wait and he can not rely on other food ordering apps because they are expensive and not healthy as compared to college’s healthy, clean and reliable cooking practices

Boost app can help Rahul for example if he searches my focused keyword phrase “Sheridan college boost app” it will lead to 396000 results which means it is an effective keyword phrase and also a reliable one as the very first result which Rahul will get will be the website of boost app itself through which Rahul will download the app and order his food and pay at the same time so that his food will be ready to pick up. This will help Rahul so much because he will get reliable and healthy food which he gets in the college through the boost app which will save his time also.

Boost app at Sheridan

Sheridan’s all three campuses offer food from various food chains below are some screenshots of boost app that shows food options available at Sheridan’s three campuses.


hmc foodboost sheridan oakville sheridan davis

Sheridan HMC            Sheridan Trafalgar         Sheridan Davis

Images retrieved from = Digital hospitality-CGC.(2016).Boost: Mobile Food Ordering (2. 12.0). Google Play Store.

Came so far…. Why the wait then?

Did you manage to read the whole blog? Yes right, why the wait then… download Boost app right now through the app store or the google play store and go through a short and easy sign-up process and use your visa card to set up a payment method and after that. At Sheridan, you don’t have to worry about long lines and waiting times search the “Sheridan college boost app”. Download boost now!


boost mobile food app Sheridan college

Image retrieved from –


  3.  Digital hospitality-CGC.(2016).Boost: Mobile Food Ordering (2. 12.0). Google Play Store.

Sheridan Cafe BOOSi App is Affordable


BOOSI app is coming

Sheridan Cafe Boosi App is coming!!!!!!!!

Being a student can be difficult at times

If you are a student, you can relate to the struggles of maintaining a school life. It’s hard to get food and it is difficult to save time between classes.

The App is going to be an amazing new revolutionary app that will make the whole Sheridan life more enjoyable. You can also gain loyalty points!

Our app is going to help students be more efficient and fun. Our service will be so helpful to all the people who need to get food quick to re-energize and get the ball rolling on there day.

Students do not have enough time to wait in line and grab food. They can easily order off the app and get whatever food they need.

you can enjoy every moment of being a Sheridan student and enjoy the life of college.

This will make everyone happier and enjoy more of the Boosi app.

Lets talk about the Booi app

Students can Socialize 

When students socialize with others they can both grab food together, waiting in line will cut into social time the Sheridan cafe Boosi app will save you so much time.

Spend every moment you can with your friends and don’t worry about being late to class order on the go.

Along with food drinks will be on the menu as well, any drinks that are wanted they will be affordable no need to wait in line at all.

The new Sheridan cafe Boosi app will also give amazing suggestions on what to purchase on customer’s order patterns.

You can even suggest different foods and drinks to all other peers and they can do the same, this is super helpful because you will always have new food and drinks to try.

Students will never get tired of the same food. You will also be able to win free food based on some events you take part in.

Your Sheridan life will be flipped upside down and you will be so eager to get your day started, this is going to make the Sheridan lifestyle so much more fun.

Sheridan will be so much more fun with this app, sharing food and drinks, making memories with all your friends will be something that no one wants to miss out on.

Spending a countless amount of time and some of the best ways to share food.

The sooner you start the sooner more memories will be made, Sheridan is all about making memories and sharing with others.

Sheridan’s life is going to be something special and something that will be everlasting, spend every single moment you can do so.

Get Sheridan Cafe Boosi App!

Get started today and it will be a school life-changing story, let’s get this started today.

Try some new food, try some new drinks Make some new memories today.

Don’t waste your time in line and don’t waste your money for no reason.

Join BOOSI today!!!



Sheridan Cafe Loyalty Points: Introducing Boosi

Are you a student or faculty member at Sheridan College? Have you ever felt that you could save more time or money? If you’re at Sheridan College, you can now do  earn PSB Cafe loyalty points by using the Boosi App at Sheridan Cafe. You probably have a lot of apps, and each one serves a different purpose. In the digital age, mobile apps are a part of our everyday lives. Did you know that in today’s age and time, people spend at least two hours a day on their phone?

It’s simple when you think of why that is: Apps make our lives easier.

Company’s nowadays must focus on making the experience of users more convenient to remain competitive in the market. Therefore, in the digital age it’s easy to find an app for ANYTHING!

So how does this help you?

A problem many students face, is that they don’t have time. While running between classes to meeting deadlines, a student’s time is precious. Student’s also eat a lot of food, and sometimes running across campus to get food becomes a drag. Lines are long between classes, and during classes you cant afford to miss vital information.

As a consumer, you most likely are familiar with earning loyalty various points. There are multiple loyalty programs that benefit users and allows them to save both time and money. At Sheridan College, PSB cafe is a hub where students can get quick bites to eat without straying far from class. Wouldn’t it be great if you could earn Sheridan Cafe loyalty points as well?

Well, wait no longer, because we are no introducing the Boosi app: A mobile on-campus ordering system to help students at Sheridan College campuses save time and save money. Earn Sheridan Cafe loyalty points and receive live updates about your order!

Loyalty points can be used to get discounts and deals for prepared foods (Burgers, Drinks, Sandwiches) that can be purchased at Sheridan’s PSB cafe. You can now save time and money using the Boosi app system. Keep a record of your order history and manage your spending habits with our personal “History” features, and collect coupons through our email messaging system

Sheridan Cafe Food & Money Managing

You can use Boosi to spend better at Sheridan Cafe!

Have you ever felt that you purchased too much food? Loyalty points are not the only rewards that Boosi offers! Using Boosi’s order management system, you can track how much you spend at any Sheridan Café. You can even see what you’ve purchased previously and reorder for quicker bites at Sheridan. 

If you spend a lot of money purchasing a specific type of food, Boosi can be used to draw insights and even help you with dieting. A lot of people have difficulty with managing both their work and personal life, and don’t have the time to worry about manually keeping track of everything. Because they have deadlines, assignments, needs and priorities, some people even choose to just skip eating!

While such resolve is very admirable, eating is one of the few pleasures in life and should not be difficult for anybody, even if they are busy. That’s why Boosi takes care of it all for you: To make your life easier.

Track your spending patterns, review your order history, see what foods you eat at Sheridan Cafe, and earn Sheridan Cafe loyalty points to save money at the same time!

Order your food while at Sheridan Cafe and pick it up to save time and skip the line!

Save Money, Save Time, Earn loyalty points

You can start to earn loyalty points at Sheridan Cafe by downloading Boosi below:

Bruins Bar

This is going to be huge students ar Sheridan will be amazed at what will be coming. Sheridan students will be amazed at what is happening, the brand new innovative app will be great.